FRO.LU is under Development


FRO.LU Rules

Further to the "Terms and Conditions" This page describes the basic rules that apply to FRO.LU


The website FRO.LU allows users residing or working in Luxembourg to suggest Parliamentary Questions. These questions can be discussed and debated in the comment section by registered users. The author of the question may change/alter the question at any given moment in time. All registered users can vote for questions they want to see put in front of the governement.


Users are not required to provide their Full Name. See the "Privacy Notice"

Content of Questions

Questions should be aimed at being in the interest of the overall population and indivudal issues should be avoided except if they are tangent to a larger issue that is to be enquired upon.


The Members of Parliament Sven CLEMENT and Marc GOERGEN have the choice to select any of the suggested Questions. They are by no means required to act upon suggested questions, they act solely based on their individual opinion and conscience. Should they decide the Question to be submitted the item will be marked ass "Accepted". Note that the Members of Parliement may alter the suggestion to ensure it covers all aspects and it receivable by the Parlement. The Question will be updated with a link to the offcial parlamentary question and the answers given will also be linked within the question.

Off Limits

As described in the Terms and Conditions we do not tolerate any sort of abusive behaviour. This is not limited to racism, sexism or insults, but includes (attempted) rigging of votes (multiple accounts, automated systems etc.)

Bonjour sur FRO.LU où vous pouvez proposer des Questions Parlementaires. Les Députés Sven CLEMENT, Marc GOERGEN et Ben POLIDORI peuvent les déposer officiellement pour vous à la Chambre des Députés. Le Gouvernement doit alors répondre et la réponse sera publié ici.

192 questions

107 déposée

340 commentaires

4.3k utilisateurs

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